Do you have the Luck o' the Irish?

You should be at the  11th Annual St. Patrick's Day Reverse Raffle on Thursday, March 15th!

Raffle tickets can be  purchased for $100  - some buy one or more, either for themselves or they split them with their friends and associates. There are only 200 tickets -- the odds are looking better?

A number is picked. It loses. Another ball from the drum is picked and that loses. And so on. You get the idea -- it's the REVERSE of a regular raffle, where the winning number is picked. Here, the LOSING numbers are picked.

But, the good news is two-fold. If you lose, the first 'loser' and every other 'loser' thereafter gets to pick from the prize table of 100 prizes. AND, if you have purchased a raffle ticket and are in attendance, YOU could go home with the door prize. AN iPAD 2!!

Now, you do not have to be present to win the $5,000----What a concept!

"Ref" Craig Ochoa and assistant Darrel Malcom will have 'no skin' in the game and will pull the NON-winning numbers. In the end, the final 10 people can decide whether they split the $5,000 Grand Prize or continue the draw, till one is left. It's a strategy..and it makes for an enjoyable event.

Dinner buffet is $10. Some volunteers are needed. The evening schedule is:

5:15-8:00 Registration

5:30 Cash Bar Opens

6:00 � 8:00 Food served


6:30 � 9:30 Numbers called

Ten minute breaks at: 7:00 7:40 8:20 9:00

9:30 Door Prize Pull for iPad2